Hello family and friends, and thanks for tuning in here for some additional background on this effort, plus a few ideas on how you can help me get Wise Talkers off to a good start if you are so inclined.
If you’re reading this ‘private’ page, you likely know me pretty well. If so, you know that I have been obsessed my entire adult life with understanding ‘the human condition’ and deliberating on how we can improve our own lives and the world around us. It’s a massively complex topic, needless to say, ranging from our inner psychological-emotional-spiritual lives all the way up to politics and global issues.
Quite the bite to chew. Dad used to say, about my voracious appetite as a child, “Ronnie, your eyes are bigger than your stomach!” I guess we’ll see how well-matched my grand visions are to my ability to digest it all now, after all these years.
Since retiring from full-time work in 2014, I have been diligently writing about this lifelong passion, with the intent to eventually publish in some form, whether a book, a website, a class… or whatever. And I’ve created about a half-dozen serious but not-yet-ready-for-prime-time attempts in that span. Damned perfectionism! (Actually, I have a more nuanced view about so-called ‘perfectionism’… but that’s another essay. :)
In any case … now … finally! … I am actually going public with this venture.
I don’t know why it took me so long to realize that hosting an interview podcast is the way to go. Talking to people is about a hundred times easier than writing!
In one sense I’m picking up on a brief radio career from more than 40 years ago – my weekly live-interview show World Views on KVMR in Nevada City. In fact, I recently digitized about a half-dozen of those old taped interviews – with Gary Snyder, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, and several other well-known people. We are now working on repackaging a handful of them to be released as some of the early Wise Talkers podcasts. A few will be published in December and January, before the official launch on Feb 10.
And I’m working on signing up some great guests for new interviews… but will hold off on announcing any names until they are officially booked and scheduled. Sooner than later.
Of course there’s more about the mission and content of the Wise Talkers podcast on this site, primarily the home page.
And if you support what I’m doing here, I will be very grateful for any help in getting the ball rolling. Here are some ways to do that if you’d like:
- The best thing you can do at this point is simply to tell others about Wise Talkers. In personal conversations, on social media, whatever ways you communicate with folks. (Feel free to share this page privately, if you wish, with friends you think might be interested.)
- And, of course, when podcasts are published, tune in!
- Whenever possible, interviews will be live-streamed and taking call-ins, so you can participate directly in the podcast – that will be great!
- Any comments you care to make on my Wise Talkers social media posts will be welcome and helpful. Those social media pages will soon be linked on this site.
- Finally, if you are interested, please subscribe! Links and forms to do that are on all website pages, including at the top-right of this page. I’ll be mailing new-podcast announcements and other news and updates to subscribers in the weeks ahead.
Thanks for reading about my big adventure! I would love see you there.
– Ron
(aka Ronald Fel Jones, my official name for this effort. There are a lot of Ron Joneses out there. :)