Episode 1

When I got the idea last September to start the Wise Talkers podcast in search of actionable wisdom that can help us navigate today’s turbulent world, I knew just where to start: with an interview I conducted on KVMR radio with Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Gary Snyder… 45 years ago!
Gary’s extensive knowledge of Indigenous cultures and ancient wisdom informs his eloquent advocacy for appropriate technology in a lower-energy future, and living a simpler, more communal lifestyle in harmony with nature.
The episode begins with a few minutes of background on Gary Snyder, and then a re-play of our 1979 conversation. I close with a few brief reflections on why Gary’s wise words spoken then are still relevant today.
Finally, I read one of Gary Snyder’s poems, with a special musical background.
I’d love to hear your comments and feedback below!
Great choice to launch your podcast! Snyder’s wise and articulate voice—both oral and written—is a timely (and timeless) reminder of the challenges ahead. You have set the tone for what we can expect, going forward. Kudos, and good luck!
Thanks, George! Yes, Gary’s voice and views ring true today and always will. And I’m happy you agree that this 1979 interview is a good way to get the Wise Talkers podcast started. :)
Brilliant interview. It’s amazing how many of the same anxieties plague us today, and how we continue to yearn for the same connection to place and meaning that our society fails to foster. I’m not sure if I’m encouraged or depressed to see how much of what you both discuss has come to pass, and how little we have yet done to improve our resiliency for the future. Looking forward to more!
Well put!
Well put, indeed. Thank you, Kevin. And it is amazing, isn’t it. It seems so obvious that we need to change our ways. But, as we know all too well, the forces working to keep society moored in our self-destructive attitudes and behaviors are incredibly strong. But I believe we can turn the tide…because we must!
Great interview! Incredible how relevant it remains today…
Thanks, Nikita. Yes, so true. And like Kevin says above, its relevance today is encouraging and depressing both. And it’s why I think it makes for an ideal kick-off for the podcast.
You and Gary anticipated enough of our future to make the interview appropriate today. Your choices of questions brought out his best and reminded me of why he was held in high esteem by fellow travelers of our generation.
I look forward to your next interviews.
Thank you, Davy. Yes, the ‘high esteem’ for Gary is widely and deeply felt among those who know of him and his work. He’s a treasure.
Congratulations on the launch, Ron!! Starting strong out of the gate.
Thanks, Jason!
This truly is a timeless interview. Gary’s observations are still very relevant to today’s issues. I’m looking forward to listening to more of this podcast in the future! And I hope you can get Gary to come back for a round two (45 years later)!
Thank you, Meghan. And yes, wouldn’t that be great! We’ve got a lot to catch up on. :)
I went to your website page and watched the videos you posted. RFK’s speech was so great as was Ted Kennedy’s eulogy. I also read your lead up to the videos. Really well written. I also started listening to your Gary Snyder interview. I enjoyed it and loved your interaction and questions. You stayed right there with him. Very impressive. I look forward to seeing what else you have in store. I hope your podcast is a great success.
Thanks, Suzanne! It was such an honor and pleasure to interview Gary. And so others are clear, the Kennedy speeches Suzanne is referring to are linked on this page of the website: https://wisetalkers.com/seriously-why-not. And yes, that RFK speech, especially, is astounding. A profound moment in American history. Thanks for listening and reading!